Learning Center

We believe that safe sports, good health decisions, excellent care and informed policy begin with education.

Training in the Heat Resources

The following resources provide in-depth information, tips and tools on the prevention, recognition and treatment of exertional heat illness.

Heat illness and hydration. This prominent source for information on the prevention of sudden death in sports, including exertional heat illness, provides tips on hydration, heat acclimatization, monitoring hot weather conditions and more. (Korey Stringer Institute)

Heat acclimatization tips. Working out in the heat? See these tips on how to stay safe and gradually increase your training in hot weather. (Korey Stringer Institute)

Map your heat risk.  Use this calculator to know whether your local weather conditions are safe for training. Find your location on the map, click to see the wet bulb globe temperature, and check the accompanying table for precautions. (National Weather Service)

Heat stress monitors. To train safely in the heat outdoors, use a device to measure the wet bulb globe temperature, which takes into account heat stress in direct sunlight, as well as temperature, humidity, wind speed and other factors. (Kestrel Meters)

Guidelines on exertional heat illness. This in-depth document provides information and recommendations on prevention, recognition and treatment of heat exhaustion, heat stroke and heat cramps. (National Athletic Trainers’ Association)

Guidelines on fluid replacement. This position stand provides evidence-based recommendations on optimal hydration practices for active people. (National Athletic Trainers’ Association)

NCAA guidelines on training in the heat. The NCAA Sports Medicine Handbook includes detailed recommendations on the prevention and treatment of exertional heat illness. See Guideline 2C: Prevention of heat illness, pp. 39-42 in the current edition. (National Collegiate Athletic Association)

National high school guidelines on hydration and training in heat. This position stand describes appropriate hydration before, during, and after physical activity, as well as risk factors for overheating. (National Federation of State High School Associations)