Beat the Summer Heat
In this compilation of stories, find out what science says about training in the summer. Learn what you need to know about proper hydration in the heat, avoiding and treating debilitating heat cramps, and the prevention, recognition and treatment of life-threatening heat stroke.
Hydration in the heat
Should a young athlete “drink to thirst” or calculate each ounce? Young athletes, their parents, coaches and doctors frequently ask about safe ways to hydrate in the heat. They want to know how much—and what— to drink to safely perform at their best. In this article, an expert explains the science and offers practical advice.
Must-have supplies for your team’s hydration kits
Download this quick reference guide by the Korey Stringer Institute that lists hydration supplies, from electrolyte freezer pops to pumper-style cooling stations. The handout also provides prices and links to suppliers for online shopping.
A guide to exertional heat stroke
Athletes can develop life-threatening exertional heat stroke for a variety of reasons, but virtually none is acceptable among trainers and coaches who put player safety first. The Korey Stringer Institute provides excellent materials on how to identify, treat and even prevent heat stroke. Included are useful tips and coaches’ checklists with guidelines designed to combat this potentially devastating condition.
Heat strokes call for impromptu ice baths
A tarp, volunteers and a lot of ice water can be used to rescue athletes and other people from heat stroke caused by exertion if a traditional ice bath is not available, according to a recent study.
Muscle cramps, and best methods for treating them
Muscle cramping is the scourge of athletes playing in the heat. Find out why they happen, and how to prevent them from happening again in the future. Experts urge players who are at risk to salt their food and eat healthful salt-rich foods. Fad remedies can delay proper care.