Nutrition & Hydration Resources

Nutrition & Hydration Resources

Hydration. This site includes videos and information on hydration, including how to know if an athlete is hydrated, how much to drink and what to drink. (Korey Stringer Institute)

Hydration Kit. This two-page handout lists hydration supplies, from electrolyte freezer pops to pumper-style cooling stations. The handout provides prices and links to websites where individuals or teams can purchase them. (Korey Stringer Institute)

Guidelines on fluid replacement. This 2017 position stand provides evidence-based recommendations on best hydration practices for active people. (National Athletic Trainers’ Association)

Nutrition and athletic performance. Guidance on food, fluids and supplements to take for peak health and performance across a range of training and competition scenarios. (American College of Sports Medicine and American Dietetic Association)

National high school guidelines on hydration and training in heat. This position stand describes how to hydrate before, during, and after physical activity, as well as risk factors for overheating. (National Federation of State High School Associations)

NCAA guidelines on training in the heat. The NCAA Sports Medicine Handbook includes detailed recommendations on the prevention and treatment of exertional heat illness. See Guideline 2C: Prevention of heat illness, pp. 39-42 in the current edition. (National Collegiate Athletic Association)